What is new in Avatar4Devs?

Our Avatar Creator has been in the market for a while, Avatar4Devs is the improved version:

  • Extended layering system with new items.
  • Improved stacking order.
  • Added Photoshop Avatar Manager script.
  • Men sets were improved while female sets was completely redrawn.

Please, check Change log. for more details.

I purchased the old Avatar Creator, could I get Avatar4Devs for free?

Absolutely! Please, contact us and we will give you access to the new version compatible with PAM and with improved designs at no cost.

What is included in each purchase?

Our Avatar Creator has thousands of interchangeable items grouped in sets for men or women, each set contains:

  • 15-20 items, up to 6 color variations per item.
  • 10 different skin color in each set (including funny ones: vampire, zombie, robot and alien).
  • 1 source PSD layered so you can edit any item or create new color variations.
  • 1 flat PSD with all color variations in folders for easy naming and exporting.
  • High resolution, high quality bitmaps (3.000×2.500 px).

More sets you have more combinations you can make ?

What do I need to create my avatars?

All you need in order to handle PSD files is any version of Adobe Photoshop and a few avatar sets that you can purchase at our avatar store.

We have developed several Photoshop scripts that help you handling your PSD files:

  1. With our Photoshop Avatar Manager script (PAM) you can handle your Avatar sets within Photoshop.
  2. With Batch rename and Export layers to PNG scripts you can rename dozens of Photoshop layers automatically and export them to PNG files, taking layers naming, to be used on any web based application or mobile app.

How do I run the Photoshop Avatar Manager (PAM)?

PAM is a custom Photoshop script developed to save you the hassle of managing hundreds of layers. Change the color skin, choose pre-made sets, change items or color with only a few clicks!

Avatar Manager Features

Download Sets & PAM

Place your purchased Flat.psd and PAM.jsx file in an empty folder.


Load PAM in Photoshop

In Photoshop go to: File > Scripts > Browse and select PAM.jsx


Let the Magic Happen

PAM needs 30 seconds per set for 1st run. Just a few seconds the next time.

***WARNING: PAM script requires intensive CPU usage, we suggest you test it with a couple of sets before loading a lot of them.

What is a base.psd file?

PSD (Photoshop Document) is an image file format native to Adobe’s popular Photoshop Application.

The first time you run PAM, it will detect and merge all flat-man/woman-XX.psd into a base.psd file. This process can take up to 30 seconds per set, please, let the computer rest until the interface appears.

Through the base file, PAM compile all the stacking info and creates an Avatar Manager interface where you can hide/show items upon request, export your avatar to png, change skin tone or choose premade sets… it is quite straight forward as Photoshop capability for interface building is very limited.

The second time you run PAM, Photoshop will check if you already have a base.psd created, if so, it will offer 2 options:

  1. You want to use existing base.psd saving a lot of time.
  2. Rebuilding a new base.psd, in case you made changes in any flat file or added new sets.

Whether you run PAM for first time or rebuild the base.psd file, PAM will save your base.psd automatically for further usage, whenever you close its interface.

PAM Stacking order and nomenclature

In order to work under PAM all folders within psd files must have a fixed stacking order and nomenclature.

For example, a folder named: a1-hand09

  • a1 = stacking position.
  • hand = item category.
  • 09 = set number 9.

In the following table you have full info about ID’s and categories:

01 others Anything over the avatar that has no specific category. 5 Others
a1 hand Avatar’s variable hand. 4 Accesories X
b1 hat Hats, helmets… anything over the hair. 4 Accesories
b2 hair_top Hair over the character’s head. 1 Face
c1 earrings Earrings, piercings… 4 Accesories
d1 glasses Items that cover the avatar’s eyes. 4 Accesories
d2 eyes Eye globes. 1 Face
e1 moustache Beard, moustache or sideburns that cover mouth. 1 Face
e2 mouth Mouth. 1 Face X
f1 nose Nose. 1 Face X
g1 makeup Color layer for makeup. 1 Face
g2 eyebrows Eyebrows and shading around the avatar’s eyes. 1 Face X
h1 beard Soft beard below facial features. 1 Face
h2 head Custom head shapes. 1 Face X
i1 coat Wide coats that covers clothing. 2 Torso
i2 jacket To be combined with a shirt. 2 Torso
j1 jumpsuit 1 piece clothing. 2 Torso
k1 pullover Wide tops. 2 Torso
k2 polo Shirts with collar. 2 Torso
k3 shirt Shirts. 2 Torso
l1 boots Wide shoes pants. 3 Legs
m1 skirt Long or short skirts. 3 Legs
m2 shorts Short pants. 3 Legs
m3 pants Regular pants. 3 Legs
n1 shoes Shoes. 3 Legs
o1 necklace Necklaces or items around the neck. 4 Accesories
o2 watch Watches, wristbands… 4 Accesories
p1 socks Socks or stocking. 3 Legs
q1 undies Undies must be very tight! 2 Torso
r1 tattoo Tattoos. 2 Torso
r2 chest_hair An additional texture that covers part of the avatar’s skin. 2 Torso
r3 skin Skin color. X
s1 hair_under Long hair behind the avatar. 1 Face
t1 back_item Items behind the avatar. 5 Others
u1 wallpaper Wallpapers backgrounds. 5 Others

Within each folder we have layers​ containing item’s color variations, regular item variations are just numbered while color cast item variations has the following fixed nomenclature.

Zombie zomb
Robot rob
Vamp vamp
Alien ali
Afro dark af2
Afro afro
Indian indian
Latin latin
Caucasian euro
Asian asian

If you use our batch and rename and export scripts, you will get PNG files similar to this: a1-hand09-afro.png (item stacks on top, item is a hand from set 09 and afro color cast).

PAM script troubleshooting​:

We have tested it for Photoshop CC versions under PC and Mac, it may work with previous Photoshop versions but we can’t warrant it. As PAM is a free product we don’t offer support of any kind, even so, if you want to report any bug, feel free to contact us and we will do our best to fix it in newer versions.

Known issues:

  • Under Mac, when the script finishes the progress window never close, just ignore it.
  • When PAM finishes working, ​Photoshop menus and shortcuts get blocked​ and you can operates only PAM’s interface, this is normal behaviour.
  • Modifying base.psd file could make PAM stop working. You can make changes on the flat files as long as the folder’s nomenclature is correct and then rebuild a base.psd file.
  • Interface is laggy: this is normal behaviour. Please, keep in mind we are forcing Photoshop to the max, it is normal behaviour 1-2 seconds of delay every time you change an item.
  • PAM doesn’t find flat-***.psd files. Notice PAM scan its folder looking for psd with file name starting as “flat-***.psd”. If you change the file’s name, PAM won’t find it.
  • PAM display gaps in the dropdowns or items in wrong categories, please check folders nomenclature are right.

Could I use my Avatars in web based applications or mobile apps?

Yes! instead of using PAM you may want to export your Photoshop Avatar’s items to PNG files to be be used in any web based application or mobile app. Additionally you may need to rename those png files following a specific nomenclature.

For this purpose we have developed 2 custom scripts that can rename and export dozens of items in just a click:

  1. Batch rename: rename dozens of layers automatically based on folder’s names.
  2. Export layers to PNG: export renamed layers to PNG files with same naming.

1.- You create this structure.

2.- Run the script to rename layers.

3.- Additionally you can export to PNG.

Open Photoshop and click “File > Scripts > Browse” then locate the script and follow instructions.

***Disclaimer: this is a free script, we wrote it for our own use and while it worked smooth in our computers we do not offer  warranty of any kind. Please, backup your files before using, under your own risk. Feel free to contact us if you want to report any bug.

Do you offer custom sets?

Yes, we do… as long as you don’t spect stock design prices. For your estimation, we spend 3-4 full working days to create a single set so we charge accordingly.

Licensing our Avatar creator.

You can use our Avatar Creator for personal or commercial purposes as long as you don’t sell it, license it or give it away. Every purchase of my avatar creator grant you the use in just 1 application: web, game, app… If you use it on a second project you should purchase it again.

For developer license with unlimited usage you can contact me at contact@avatar4devs.com


Your feedback is much appreciated, feel free to email us to contact@avatar4devs.com with any suggestion, bug or question you may have.

Change Log

January 2020: SOSFactory Avatar creator web version.

  • New web release so user can create avatars in a web browser (Photoshop not needed).

October 2021: SOSFactory Avatar creator 2.1

  • Canvas size was standardised to 2200 x 3500px.
  • Added hats to all sets.
  • Female sets 4 and 6 were completed.

July 2020: SOSFactory Avatar creator 2.0

  • PAM script V 1.0.2 fixed bug for Photoshop CC 2015.
  • PAM script V 1.0 created from scratch.
  • “Full sets” category deleted, now the plugin has de ability to select all items within the same set.
  • 2 kinds of hair items added: “b-hairtop” and “u-hairunder” so we have more combinations possible.
  • New categories added and stacking order improvements.
  • Body redesign for women avatar, now it is more femmenine.
  • Women sets created from scratch.
  • Set 08 for men includes 6 top football teams uniforms: Real Madrid, Barcelona FC, PSG, Liverpool, Juventus, Bayern Munich.